8oz Double Shot Americano & A Sesame Seed Bagel

                 Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Feel the air expand your lungs. Hold it. Keep holding it. Don't let it out yet. Okay okay, let it out. Listen to the sounds around you. Truly try your best to listen to every sound you hear and make note of each one. The person in the corner talking too loudly into his bluetooth set. The dinging of the door chime as people walk in looking for coffee. The opening and closing of refrigerator doors mixing with the screeching of the steam wands. A couple sit at the bar and discuss spare time while waiting for a play. Cars driving, horns honking, kids giggling, birds chirping, lighters clicking, staples snapping, printers groaning, coffee grinding, radio blasting, wood turning, ovenscookingbeansroastingkladkppewhpekgwejpfkf.

Now cut it out. All at once or one at a time. Cut every sound out. Once you identify it, let it go. 

Follow your rhythmic breathing to keep yourself on course. Once you've emptied your mind of distractions, what do you want to accomplish today? Let it form a light in your head. Let it build till it's too bright. Consuming your vision until you finally open your eyes. Now go about your day with that one accomplishment engraved in your head. I promise you will find a way to complete it. 

Good luck, fam!  

Bryson Brew Coffee & Brown Cinnamon Sugar Poptarts

If I painted a picture of this scene, that painting would not be able to demonstrate all the words that are being spoken to me. There are hues of blue that only Mother Nature can orchestrate across the Great Smoky Mountains. The economic fluidity in nature around me whisper secrets of their morning deliveries. A squirrel tries to remember where it buried its last batch of acorns while birds practice their arial acrobatics. The mountain does not sleep in. Gusts of wind interject themselves disrupting my consistency of warmth; I’m prevented from the gradual fade into slumber by the Sun’s Lullaby. Not all at once, and almost imperceptibly, I was cloaked in the Mountain’s Life-force. All of my surroundings fit as one in constant motion; I was grateful, as a visitor, to be allowed to experience such a personal and magical foresight into something so natural and instinctual. 


“SAFETY!” is shouted behind me and just like the snap of a finger, or poot from a butt, the story is over. 

Stone Saison & Dunkin Doughnuts

There are cardboard boxes all around me. Blue painters tape still wads up in scattered places around the view. FIFA sound effects layer the surrounding walls in what one could mistaken for paintings. Clicking creates a drum beat for my mind, bouncing rhythms off my temples. There is a mirror reflecting a chaotic living room with only the slightest design for organization. There are bags full of clothes. Empty beer bottles decorate the remaining surfaces. This is my new home. This is where the heart is. More importantly, this is where magic will happen...in the terms of work. ha!


It’s been a hectic experience having to wait such an amount of time to move into a new home. After two weeks, however, we finally got the get into the new digs. As usual, hardly anything is perfectly planned out and placed but it feels so good to be in a space that is entirely your own. 

I would love to give a very warm thank you to friends and family that housed me while I was waiting. 

An especially special thank you to Brad and Jacki Mallett for keeping me for the longest period and not only allowing me to rest my head under a roof but also making me feel more like family. It is wonderful to be so easily accepted into someone else’s household. 

Alas, I am finally able to start working well in my own space again! Once we finish putting it all together I shall post pictures. I’ve got some tasty treats up my sleeves for this year so everyone hold onto your pantaloons. 

PS: Stay tuned for the finale of the Toast Me Trilogy! Filming this weekend.