Carolina Morning & Dreams of Lunch


So check it! I usually use these blogs to post new things in the works and that's what I'll be doing now. Consistency...ya know? After stretching myself wildly too thin with too many projects I stepped away from my day job to become a full time artist/designer. It's stressful as hell but i'm loving life right now. I'm hitting up far more art events like Awendaw Green, Third Thursday, and I'm still kickin it at Black Water. With this new time on my hands, I get to spend it on my painting and thus, my skill has already grown which allows me to produce smaller fun paintings available for all. 

I've a style I'll be sticking with for quite some time. Trying to push all it's boundaries. 


I'll attach a pictures below so you can see what I mean! I'm having a blast though and would love to see all your beautiful faces at my events. But don't let distance stand in your way from adopting a pet! They make great gifts as well! 


Good Ole H2O & Momentum

I've got my buddy, Slayton, singing in my earbuds and a quite refreshing glass of water to my right. So let's just jump right into it: I've been busy working on a podcast/show called Craft Conversations. My co-host, Brian Dales, and I drink some craft beer and just hold conversations with guests of all kinds; musicians, photographers, chefs, business owners, teachers, brewers, goofballs, etc. We've already released a Pilot/Intro episode and an episode with our first guest, Mike Karkut; the head chef and owner of Graze of Summerville. We just finished recording our latest show last night with guest, Dan Riley, who was amazing to have in the studio.  You can listen to our podcasts on iTunes Podcast, Soundcloud, and Podbean; you can watch those episodes on Youtube! Make sure to subscribe to get all the new episodes and catch us on Facebook and Instagram

Craft Conversations


It's been a lot of work to get this going but an equally exciting adventure! What's particularly exciting is that we're starting to hit a stride and getting into a flow, so the show is not only going to be easier but improve!

All that being said, I'm still offering Pet Portrait commissions! I have to have a hobby after all, and I enjoy providing such memento. 

And let's not forget about decorating your wall with the perfect spring time poster! Get an Art Nouveau painting of your favorite town or state, or a graphic poster to spruce up that space!

If you're interested in getting new and bold branding, then check out my Design page and lets talk about a better logo! 

Alright, back to editing! 


Fresh Cup of Water & Summerville Art Nouveau Prints

Don't let the title trick you, although i'm chugging a glass of water right now, as i type this and spill all over my face because I can't multitask, I still have a cup of coffee sitting right next to me to wake me up. I thought about how some people say they need coffee first thing to wake up and at first I thought "oh come on, such exaggeration." but here I am...staring at my cup with a gaze meant for lovers. And who cares? If you need a cup of coffee every morning to truly get going and you don't give a shit, then nobody should give a shit. Enjoy your ritual. 

That rant aside, I've recently finished my latest watercolor painting and sent it to the printers! I made an art nouveau painting of my hometown of Summerville, SC! I spent most of my childhood in this city and I've seen the changes over the years. I wanted to capture how I felt about the city so I incorporated things that spoke Summerville to me. I hope other people can look at it and get a sense of happiness with where they live, whether they are originally from this town or moved here to start a life.  

You can see the print and order a print by going to my STORE! There you can find other prints or commission possibilities! Decorate your walls with local and colorful artwork! I think you should go for it! 

Have a great day everyone!

summerville art nouveau

Delicious Mexican Coffee & Designing

Good morning everyone! 

Big news in terms of graphic design. I've teamed up with Stingray Branding LLC in the Charleston area! This means I'll be tackling graphic design more intensely and really trying to produce solid content. It's a freelance partnership which means I get to solely work on my passion of design while they will handle the business aspect of it all. Needless to say, this is a huge relief and a huge excitement for me! I get to completely dive into creating all the best designs but I get backed by a great team and I have a better structure to the process. 

I've updated the website to display my work and give a small look into my style and what I want to produce. Most companies could use a rebranding and we're the best path for that. Revamp. Refresh. Go out with a new confidence in your company with a fresh new logo. Display your fundraiser with the perfect event poster that is eye grabbing and easy to read. Make memories of your concert with a popping shirt design. To do all of these things, a business card is always needed so why not get one that defeats the norm and places a hold on your next clients mind?

I am ready to get down and dirty with designing, so consider me next time you have that good idea! 

Check out Stingray Branding LLC for more information about them! 

Brazilian Coffee and Clarity

A clear portrayal of one's self isn't exactly something we get often and sometimes never at all. So how do we even know how we're perceived? I spent a lot of my time internally making assumptions of how people viewed me. Which is already backwards. I put all focus on what people thought of me instead of what I thought of myself. Therefore, if I cared more of what people thought of me then I probably didn't care for myself enough. I don't know if this hidden thought-coffin was behind a veil and just out of sight and realization for others, but that's certainly how it was for me. 

You either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
— that famous quote we all know from batman that's probably from something else

It's not easy to see oneself in a different way. We see what we expect to see so how could anyone notice they were the thing bringing down their own life? Nobody thinks they're the villain of their own story so who would expect to see the signs of that? However, it is such a remarkable and important thing to find because the realization provides a way to correct the issue at it's core.

So I never realized I was making myself unhappy and spreading my subconscious funk everywhere I stayed for too long. That transferred into my artwork and the decisions I made with designs and business and friendships/relationships and literally everything. Now that I know, I'm working on being happy and grateful in the moment instead of thinking I have to be unhappy and work super hard until I feel I deserve to be happy. I'm finding things to be happy and grateful for as much as possible and with any and all things current in my life.  That way I can share and spread a similar feeling to others.  I regret a lot of my past so the process of letting go is gradual but proving to be worth it and freeing. I know I may sound like a lunatic but hey, fuck it! I'm a happier person and I hope you are/can be too. 

As always, I've got some art ideas and projects I'm working on now that might reflect some of this thinking. I will be playing around with more colors in my paintings much like you've seen from the pet portraits. I've always loved bright and bold colors anyway! 


A Room Temp Redull & Death

Let’s start this off with a picture:

A redbull sits on the beige circular marble coffee table somewhat stale and not at all enjoyed as much as temptation led on in the grocery store. A plate rests next to it with a small puddle of grease from the overheated pizza my lactose intolerant digestive system tries and fails to conquer. A burning yellow tint is cast over the table reflecting the sunset happening through the windows. The birds are chirping outside. The cat is frantically running around the apartment chasing imaginary monsters. The air smells of plants, the bar in the sunroom explains that, of cleaner that matches the tidiness of the apartment, and a hint of a pineapple chili candle lit several hours before. The clock ticks on the wall counting down the minutes till death. 

And that’s what I’m thinking as I sit inside that picture, staring at everything and nothing at all. It’s the fact that we all die. And how often I lose sight of that. How often do you remind yourself you’ll die eventually?

Earlier today I could feel a moment when my brain is about to slip into a funk, which come and go like the slightest change of wind. As I was waiting in line at the ATM i felt this feeling and as you can imagine, was not enthusiastic. I gazed out the window and saw some plants swaying in the wind and sun shining all around. I wondered what this situation would feel like if I weren’t going into a funk. And in the moment I felt myself enjoying the breeze and warmth and the beauty of the color and the brilliance of the weather. I could physically feel my stomach loosen and my shoulders ease. It was a magnificent change! But just like all great things, it was work and not an immediate success.

So as I’m sitting on the couch thinking that we all die, I remember my moment at the ATM today and I feel they’re related. I don’t know why I was slipping into a funk but I didn’t want to stay there and I didn’t want to waste such a day when someday, I’ll be dead. 

Hey Caleb, close your eyes and use your senses. You are not dead. You are feeling that sun and that wind and those vibrations from your car speakers. So if I’m having a bad day now, I’ll try to live in that moment around me and not in that funk that’s inside me.  


Coffee & Dreams

I usually title my blog posts with a drink and a food I'm enjoying as I write this, but today I'm drinking Papua New Guinea roasted to full city plus without food!

I woke up this morning munching on dreams of the future. I spend a decent amount of time "daydreaming" as most people call it but I like to think of it more as, "planning my future." Have you ever seen someone's life and instantly thought, "Oh that would be cool to happen to me."... but really, if you broke it down, it's not really what you'd want? Let's say that's what I do most, I try and visually see if an idea is worth working towards. Instead of a Walter Mitty Style, where he daydreamed adventurous life but only turned around to work in the desk. I like to envision a target and start creating my tools to hit that target. (This is how I legitimize my habit lol)

I've got this day job where I serve beer to customers in a grocery store. Which sounds fun, and it can be, but corporate ruins all the fun. To not get into that rant and cut this story shorter, I don't really like it. I have to walk away from my own business and planning to do someone else's business and every day as I drive to work I have this internal conversation:

Oh man. This could be the day.

I could quit and turn around.

Devote all of my free time into my own business. Hustle and hustle and make it grow!

That would be a push and a leap into the darkness. I'd have to solely earn enough for bills.

Maybe that's the push I need! 

I bet I could do it! 

However, I never quit and I never turn around and go back. I envision this life where I'm hitting the grindstone every day every hour and I'm constantly working to build my business and become self sufficient and I can feel the energy and excitement and drive! It is completely intoxicating! The whole drive to work I'm drowning in this yearning for that daydream but yesterday I had a second thought. Not one I normally do. 

Why would I have to quit in order to do ALL of that now? 

I realized I'm comfortable with the rate of my growth or success. I was getting a steady paycheck that helped so I wasn't constantly working on myself. I got comfortable and stale. I regressed. THERE'S NOTHING STOPPING ME FROM HITTING THAT GRINDSTONE RIGHT THIS SECOND! I LITERALLY CAN WORK. THAT HARD. RIGHT. NOW! I don't need to quit or be fired from this stupid day job in order do exactly what I was daydreaming. And I've had these moments before, which should be expected, life is a constant struggle. So I had to remind myself that my fear of failing was creating an altered path to get to my destination. I saw a way to get to where I wanted but the steps were impractical. So I had to think of a different route. 

If you're dreaming for a future, break down that path as many ways as you possibly can as many times as you possibly need to. Most of the time, you'll have to tweak your path to get to your destination. "If it aint broke, don't fix it" ...NO! Constantly try and find a better more efficient way to accomplish your life. Don't get comfortable.  


PNG Coffee & An Audiobook

Ever listen to audiobooks? I tried once before when Spotify only had three chapters of a Harry Potter book and although I enjoyed the experience, I always chose physical books to digital books. However, I'm still listening to The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson which I mentioned before and has still been incredible and enlightening even on my third listen through. I've enjoyed having my hands free and still receiving the impact from reading it myself. (This being said, I'll probably still buy a hard copy!) The neat thing about the audiobook aspect is being able to just hit play on your phone and get a quick refresher to keep the ongoing struggle more successful. It's a quick read or listen and worth every second and penny you invest. 

I've been kickin butt and taking names with these Pet Portrait commissions lately! I've also had the pleasure to work more on the South Carolina painting and will have that ready....(drum roll pls)...THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!!! YOU CAN ORDER YOUR PRINT THIS FRIDAY! so much excitement. Have a stroll through my site and keep an eye out for your chance to get a print! 


French Press & An Avocado Sausage English Muffin


          It's been a week...a decent week at that too. I'm getting a good turn around for commissions to keep me busy and my day job has only forced me to bang my head against a wall one time! I've begun listening to an audiobook, "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson, which in two chapters made me realize there was a better way to look at almost all situations than the way I was going about it. Most of the stress and frustrations and worries were all coming from fucks I gave out to the wrong things. The weirdest part is being shown a better way to do something after you strongly believed your way was already the better way. But it's humbling as well. 

A friend of mine went off on a rant the other day about how he loathes this phrase, "Ah, it is what it is." Which cracked me up because firstly, I couldn't tell if he was giving his f's to something not important, or secondly, he was actually on to a good point. He continued to say that "Life is what you allow it to be," which I like. I feel you usually hear more commonly that life is what you MAKE of it, but as most people can attest to, you can't always MAKE something happen but you can dictate the way you're treated and the way you allow yourself to live. You have the option to choose your values and thus refocus where to give your fucks.  


These are the thoughts on my brain while I bust out some pet portraits for people! Which I'll show below. I am also having a Valentine's Sale coming up Monday-Friday so stay tuned for that! Remember to feel free to contact and chat me up whether it's a commission or idea or thoughts. Have a great week everybody. 

French Bulldog Pet Portrait
Chihuahua Pet Portrait

New Style and a Newsletter

I'm a terribly inconsistent blogger but I like to update when I'm switching things up and keeping it all fresh. I've begun a different style watercolor after getting bored of the "out the window" look. This new style is right in beginning so it'll be fun to watch it grow this year. I've also started drawing pet portraits. You can find more examples and order your own, right here, STORE  

I'll be focusing more on making and providing prints for everyone; as well as sending out newsletters that talk about new prints or any sales available but it'll also provide screenshots of what I've been working on  Let's see if we can create a nice balance between public enjoyment and my talents. Here's to a good and new year! Thanks for sticking by me and don't forget to sign up for the newsletter!


Pet portrait Leia
pet portrait nermal

Project Update

Hey everyone! Some project updates!  

I just finished my pop art inspired commission with a process video filmed as well.  You can check out the final piece below and look for my video on the Instagram feed. 

I also finished my Marabou Stork watercolor which came out great! Excited to finally show you some painting progress of the house commission I'm working as well! It never hurts having fantastic commissions to work on! 



Hope everyone is having a great month! Keep up the hard work on your own projects and thanks for checking out mine.  


French Press & Oatmeal Raisin Walnut Clif Bar

I'm elbows deep into several projects these days! Which is a great thing. One of the best things for a mind, mine at least, is to stay busy with projects. (I suppose I know plenty of people that don't enjoy being busy and spend most of their time not doing anything, but where's the fun in that?) Not only is it important to me to have projects on my list but to have an array of projects to not get burnt out with one. That being said, I was stoked to get an acrylic commission causing me to get the biggest canvas I've painted on and to switch it up from my normal watercolor paintings. To take it a bit further, the style is not my norm either, where I'm working on portraits with pop art inspiration! This whole commission is a big challenge that I am eagerly working on. So obviously, I'm filming my process from sketch to base layers to full paint to special detailed work at the end. I'll post that video once completed, which hopefully will be by next week. 

I'm working on two watercolor commissions as well as the acrylic. Which allows me to switch back to a comfort area when the pop art piece is driving me insane ha! But keep an eye on my instagram to see regular updates on those. Have you ever heard of a Marabou Stork? Creepy looking stork that eats flamingos alive...that's one commission. haha! The other watercolor is a client's house based in California. Beautiful house that i get to decorate with lounging cats! 

Then there's the old digital paintings I'm trying to bring back to life with wheat paste and some paint. I honestly have no clue what I'm going to do with these paintings but I was tired of seeing this pictures collect dust. I needed a refreshment. 

And let me not forget my poor miata's clutch went to shit so I'm also in the process of replacing that.

All in all, I'm happily busy but will be quite excited to check some of them off my list as I know I'll have more projects to replace them! 

I hope everyone has a great week! 

Unexpected Weekly Update

I had the pleasure of working with some buddies to film a video so I've been messing with that this week. I cracks me up how with everything I've ever shot, it never comes out as I envision it during planning. I did thoroughly enjoy having someone else decide with directing. In fact, this video wasn't even my idea but my dude, Josh Tipton's. I'll be training him on filming so we can bust out a lot more content. He'll be not only another writer, director, but also my audio engineer. We'll be tailoring some songs to specific beats he makes and vis versa. Needless to say, I'm excited about what we can provide for laughs. 

Late 2 Chill Sneak Peak

Painted Buntings


I've also been working on new paintings. Above is the finished picture of the painted buntings I was working on last saturday. Next to it is the cardinals that i literally just finished before sitting down to write this. Some times my paintings follow the same pattern as my films and they don't turn out like I planned. Sometimes that is a good thing and sometimes not. I wasn't overly thrilled with the shades in the cardinal painting but I still love it and the colors! 

Have a great weekend and keep an eye out for some more films!