
Brazilian Coffee and Clarity

A clear portrayal of one's self isn't exactly something we get often and sometimes never at all. So how do we even know how we're perceived? I spent a lot of my time internally making assumptions of how people viewed me. Which is already backwards. I put all focus on what people thought of me instead of what I thought of myself. Therefore, if I cared more of what people thought of me then I probably didn't care for myself enough. I don't know if this hidden thought-coffin was behind a veil and just out of sight and realization for others, but that's certainly how it was for me. 

You either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
— that famous quote we all know from batman that's probably from something else

It's not easy to see oneself in a different way. We see what we expect to see so how could anyone notice they were the thing bringing down their own life? Nobody thinks they're the villain of their own story so who would expect to see the signs of that? However, it is such a remarkable and important thing to find because the realization provides a way to correct the issue at it's core.

So I never realized I was making myself unhappy and spreading my subconscious funk everywhere I stayed for too long. That transferred into my artwork and the decisions I made with designs and business and friendships/relationships and literally everything. Now that I know, I'm working on being happy and grateful in the moment instead of thinking I have to be unhappy and work super hard until I feel I deserve to be happy. I'm finding things to be happy and grateful for as much as possible and with any and all things current in my life.  That way I can share and spread a similar feeling to others.  I regret a lot of my past so the process of letting go is gradual but proving to be worth it and freeing. I know I may sound like a lunatic but hey, fuck it! I'm a happier person and I hope you are/can be too. 

As always, I've got some art ideas and projects I'm working on now that might reflect some of this thinking. I will be playing around with more colors in my paintings much like you've seen from the pet portraits. I've always loved bright and bold colors anyway! 


Coffee & Dreams

I usually title my blog posts with a drink and a food I'm enjoying as I write this, but today I'm drinking Papua New Guinea roasted to full city plus without food!

I woke up this morning munching on dreams of the future. I spend a decent amount of time "daydreaming" as most people call it but I like to think of it more as, "planning my future." Have you ever seen someone's life and instantly thought, "Oh that would be cool to happen to me."... but really, if you broke it down, it's not really what you'd want? Let's say that's what I do most, I try and visually see if an idea is worth working towards. Instead of a Walter Mitty Style, where he daydreamed adventurous life but only turned around to work in the desk. I like to envision a target and start creating my tools to hit that target. (This is how I legitimize my habit lol)

I've got this day job where I serve beer to customers in a grocery store. Which sounds fun, and it can be, but corporate ruins all the fun. To not get into that rant and cut this story shorter, I don't really like it. I have to walk away from my own business and planning to do someone else's business and every day as I drive to work I have this internal conversation:

Oh man. This could be the day.

I could quit and turn around.

Devote all of my free time into my own business. Hustle and hustle and make it grow!

That would be a push and a leap into the darkness. I'd have to solely earn enough for bills.

Maybe that's the push I need! 

I bet I could do it! 

However, I never quit and I never turn around and go back. I envision this life where I'm hitting the grindstone every day every hour and I'm constantly working to build my business and become self sufficient and I can feel the energy and excitement and drive! It is completely intoxicating! The whole drive to work I'm drowning in this yearning for that daydream but yesterday I had a second thought. Not one I normally do. 

Why would I have to quit in order to do ALL of that now? 

I realized I'm comfortable with the rate of my growth or success. I was getting a steady paycheck that helped so I wasn't constantly working on myself. I got comfortable and stale. I regressed. THERE'S NOTHING STOPPING ME FROM HITTING THAT GRINDSTONE RIGHT THIS SECOND! I LITERALLY CAN WORK. THAT HARD. RIGHT. NOW! I don't need to quit or be fired from this stupid day job in order do exactly what I was daydreaming. And I've had these moments before, which should be expected, life is a constant struggle. So I had to remind myself that my fear of failing was creating an altered path to get to my destination. I saw a way to get to where I wanted but the steps were impractical. So I had to think of a different route. 

If you're dreaming for a future, break down that path as many ways as you possibly can as many times as you possibly need to. Most of the time, you'll have to tweak your path to get to your destination. "If it aint broke, don't fix it" ...NO! Constantly try and find a better more efficient way to accomplish your life. Don't get comfortable.  


Morning Thunder Tea & Artisan Toast with Jim's Jam

Does anyone remember when Goku was traveling to Namek and training up to 100x increased gravity to beat Frieza? 


It looks to be customary for me to pop in here and say "oh gee wow! i haven't posted in a while" which is terrible and yet still happening. I'm not going to pepper you with whispers of sweet nothings by telling you that i'm going to post on a more regular basis. I'll try but I won't guarantee that. Life happens too fast and before you we all know it, years have passed and beards have grown and wrinkles have appeared. However, such is the nature of the beast, life has been constantly and unfailingly moving forward and quite the changes are being put into place and it's all exciting but time consuming. I'm working on a stronger hold on my duties in the companies i'm working with. As a stronger foundation is made, more fun is to be had, so cheers to the future. 

What's going on with the website? Great question, me! 

As it turns out i'm using this website as the best representation of who I am! Since I am working on so many things at once, not all those things can be shared and not always on the same platforms or within the same accounts. This obviously makes it difficult to find everything I'm working on. So this is pretty much a website and blog of all the things that I'm working on... to be completely redundant.

You'll be able to see my watercolor paintings and the occasional acrylic. I'll be posting my design illustrations as well. SE-KYU Short Films is another project I'm working on that'll basically be any kind of content creation or fun video I feel like doing. Special effects and animations included. And I still love photography so that'll occasionally pop up. There's a lot of content that will be posted here and all of it varying around a central point: Art by Me. 

So enjoy all that I release and work on and send any suggestions or questions you may have! 

A Second Americano & Half of a Bagel

There is a statue that reigns over the sea on a far off coast. This statue is familiar with the area having been transported to many different homes throughout its existence. After a rough year in the back of an ally with no sunlight and deep desperation for the acknowledgment and interactions from people of substance, this statue was taken. A local merchant wanted to borrow the statue for a grand opening for his new shop. Now resting close the sea the statue had a new role and found she enjoyed it very much. People passed by her and commented how beautiful she was, locals would come to the shop and always greet the statue while some artist even came to sketch and paint the way the light shone off her stone. 

A year passes and she has moved to the side of the cliff. She now overlooks the coast and all those from the town and sea can see her; and she gets to enjoy the ocean waves splashing up the cliff showering her with blissful water. She loves her new spot but she no longer shines for beauty. She's become so popular that the merchant started using her as a destination. The statue began to hold signs for offers and ads for other merchants, people would now sit while someone painted them next to her; the merchant tried to make money off her any chance he could. She doesn't mind the new difficulties because the merchant has given her such a great location and she feels valuable again.

A couple years pass.

A young boy walks to the side of the cliff and rests in the grass overlooking the shore. The breeze tussles his amber hair and he closes his eyes in appreciation for the weather. He cocks his head to the side and notices a hand sticking out of a pile of rubbish. With curiosity flowing through him like adrenaline he jumps up and trots over to investigate. He finds old banners and signs and hats and jackets all scattered and tossed around. After removing most of it he comes face to face with the statue. She is barely noticeable. The waves she loved so much battered her down after the years, the people she loved so much used her up, the merchant that saved her had turned her into a glorified bulletin board and trash pile. The boy saw only sadness molded into her face and wondered if she used to have a smile. 

Feeling heartbroken, the boy took down all the trash and cleaned up her area. Once he finished they stared at each other for an immeasurable amount of time for words that cannot be spoken were being exchanged. The boy walked up and hugged the statue and whispered, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry we wore you down. It wasn't on purpose but I'm still sorry."